Protect Your Plants: Cold Front & Extreme Cold Watch for Houston! ❄️
Sabrina Farber Sabrina Farber

Protect Your Plants: Cold Front & Extreme Cold Watch for Houston! ❄️

❄️ Houston Cold Front Alert! Freezing temperatures and strong winds are on the way—is your landscape ready? 🌿 Protect your plants, palms, and tropicals from freeze damage with expert tips from Todd Farber, Aggie Horticulturist & Founder of Garden Guy. Learn the right way to cover plants, insulate palms, and safeguard delicate tropicals before the cold hits!

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Why plastic damages plants
Sabrina Farber Sabrina Farber

Why plastic damages plants

When a freeze is in the forecast, many gardeners scramble to protect their plants, and one of the first materials they grab is often plastic. While it might seem like an easy and effective option, using plastic as a freeze covering can actually harm your plants rather than help them. Let’s break down why this happens and what you should use instead.

The Problem with Plastic and covering Houston Landscaping in freezes. Plastic Traps Moisture! Plastic is a non-breathable material, meaning it holds in moisture. When placed over plants, the moisture in the air condenses on the inside of the plastic. As temperatures drop, this moisture can freeze directly on the plant’s leaves, stems, and buds. This creates frost damage—the very thing you were trying to prevent!

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